

Have you taken time for your Sanctuary today? Or a better question to ask is, how often do you carve out time for your sanctuary on a regular basis?

Your sanctuary could be a walk, run, hike, bike ride, reading a book, gardening, a massage, or simply time by yourself doing anything that comes to mind. Whatever it is, when we get busy, we tend to cut this out of our lives, and that is when we need it the most.  So… when you find yourself saying “I just don’t have the time to take that walk…”  consciously make the time, even if for only 30 minutes, and reflect on how you feel.

Continuing with my theme of “walking the talk,” this is something that I rarely sacrifice, especially when I am traveling or have a full day of meetings or a workshop. That is when I am more intentional to carve out that time, which is usually getting up earlier to kick start my morning to take care of my phyiscal and mental well-being so I can be at my best with my clients. It is amazing how much more energized I am throughout the day. My husband calls me the “dog that needs to be walked.” It is endearing because like dogs, humans need to be “walked” too. Whatever it is, when you find yourself saying “I don’t have the time” is when you need it the most.

*The above photo was a place that I found solace in near Galway, Ireland after a week of onsite client work. It was a recommendation from a client. I didn’t want to leave.

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